friday, a lot of people were talking about justice. on one of npr's call-in shows, "on point," they had a guy on talking about what he called 'social justice' and if it was possible to have a global standard of justice. many people called in to talk about the subject and it became apparent that what we were talking about was not real justice. in amos, God says justice is something that should roll onward like a river. it should be constant and consistent. what most people refer to when they say justice seems to be more akin to retaliation and vengeance; something that comes in spurts after wrong-doings. we call it justice when someone is executed for a crime they've committed, and we say justice has been served when something bad happens to someone we don't like. but to me justice seems to be more about what we give than what we take away. more about providing for the needs of those around us than getting even with our enemies. after all Jesus said to love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you and to judge only if we wanted to be judged in the same way. our idea of justice as vengeance only puts us in the judgement seat ourselves. generally, i think we tend to see justice as something to get (get even). but in micah, God tells us justice is something we should do (make the playing field even).
i don't know how to end this post...