Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Into the Chasm

a couple of weeks ago at our neighborhood small group we spent some time in guided prayer. as i sat there with my eyes closed the flat pixelated plane of my eyelids gave way to an endless black void. the darkness instantaneously went from two dimensions to three. a deep, ebony chasm unknowable for it's value and it's depth. as i witnessed this change, i knew the emptiness was God. the curtain of my eyelids was torn in two and i was confronted with the knowledge that i was staring directly into the Unknowable Core of the Creator. the same Dark Nothingness that was over the face of the deep and filled everything before the creation of the universe. the eternally-mysterious, unknowable God who pieced me together and chooses to make His home inside me. for a short while there was no distance between us - no facade, no make-up, no elderly white-haired man with a beard. just the intimacy of me and the truest analog of God i can imagine.

so i sat there - staring into the chasm, comforted by the mystery.
