Saturday, May 2, 2009

it's a crazy world we live in.  for weeks only a few small green shoots were brave enough to try their hardest to break through the bare brown forests covering the mountainsides.  the creek banks were empty and you could see straight through the trees to the composting leaves and branches below.  then in about 5 days, seemingly overnight really, the mountains exploded.  there is not one tree in sight who has yet to put on its new spring outfit and the milkweed on the banks of the creeks and rivers is all of a sudden 5 feet tall or greater.  once again i am surrounded by walls of green.  i have missed it.  thats about as close as i can figure to what God was talking about when He spoke though isaiah saying,
"[12] For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands." - [isaiah 55:12]


  1. Hey Buddy....It's always so much fun to read your entries...You have a real flair for describing everyday occurrences,bringing them to life and then relating them to faith lessons so that anybody can understand and learn from them. I love you, can't wait to see you on the 20th, and I continue to be proud of the man you have become. Stay safe....
    Love, Mom XOXOXO

  2. wow. i agree andy, that words really fail us so often, in describing things at all but particularly where God is concerned.

    i am struck by your writing, i truly feel as if i am reading from a letter in the bible, because i feel that God and His plans are just singing through your/His words.

    i am getting excited to come and see all that He is doing in logan through you and through others. and i am, well, being honest i don't know what i am. i just am hopeful, thankful, awed by all He is and all He is does, and am hoping that our trip to come and work with you in this ministry be fruitful as only He can make it.

    what that fruit may be, i have no idea, but then while i have a good imagination, God really always one ups me in all i can picture.

    this is long, wordy and doesn't really say much except this, keep on being open to God, it affects more than you'll ever know. many blessings andy, looking forward to seeing and being part of your ministry!

    amanda williamson
