Sunday, November 14, 2010

i have kind of a backlog of posts to write up, thoughts i've wanted to write out but havn't felt like i've had the chance. things seem so busy because work is so draining, so when it's over i just feel the need to relax with alissa. and although absolutely no one reads this, i think it would still be good for me to write them out to help in processing. perhaps i can encourage myself to do that soon. also, cooking has continued to become a larger and larger part of who i am. it's replaced art and music in a way since it's necessary, i can use my creativity, and i get to share what i have done with the people i love. so, i've been thinking about posting recipes as a way to express myself and also not forget what i did, because it's usually on the fly. i suppose all i'm saying is there might be a lot of posts in rapid succession, but they didn't all happen at the same time. i don't know why i that's important to have made known. i guess i'm just a fan of full disclosure?
