Tuesday, April 10, 2012

it's been about a year since the last actual blog post here, and i've realized that blogging about how you never blog has really become a cultural norm of the internet age.  i think it must be mandatory that anyone who has a blog and is not paid to write in it must regularly address the fact that they ignore their blog.  and so, after again falling into the same trap, we will move on.

what a year! i must first say that the cliff-hanger you were so poetically left with worked out great and my residency year with teach/here is drawing to a close.  i've been in a local middle school since last august teaching, shadowing, and learning, and the process to begin finding our real teacher homes is underway.  it's hard to believe the graduate hooding ceremony is only a few weeks away.  secondly, and mostly as a result of the first thing, i've been super busy as a full-time graduate student and living the life of a full-time teacher.  thankfully, alissa is an incredible and understanding woman.

thirdly, said incredible and understanding woman just so happens to be pregnant with our first child!  getting to go to her pre-natal appointments and hear the frantic heartbeat and see the images of the new life growing inside her has been amazing.  not to mention, watching her body change to make room for the baby.  (where'd that stomach go? yikes!) our roommate moved out to her own little place nearby, and we've been starting to try to prepare ourselves and our house for babydom.

other milestones include: the death of the minivan, the purchasing of our first car (which we won't really own for four more years), lots of wonderful time spent together, and some fun trips.

speaking of which, spring break was this past week, and we just got back from perhaps our last pre-baby vacation.  for our anniversary last year, we went to hilton head, south carolina to spend some time at the beach since we went to the mountains the first year (we trade) and we liked the area so much we decided to go back to the nearby small town of beaufort.  it was a great chance to get away, breathe deep, and relax.  we mostly hung around the park by the bay taking naps, playing cards, or visiting shops, but we also stopped by a couple beaches, alissa took me to my first drive-in movie, and we visited the nearby kazoo factory and museum for a tour.  (we quickly found out it was more of an assembly table and less of a factory, but it was still fun).  we got back thursday, just in time for our yearly passover dinner and all the fun of easter weekend.  a relaxing picture from a relaxing trip:


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